Sunday, December 9, 2012

Farm Animals in Action Films

A couple days ago, I had a funny idea. I thought that if I was going to re-write books or do remakes of movies with all of the characters as farm animals, what animals would they be? I was so excited about this idea that I made a couple lists so that I could share my ideas with you! As I was writing, I began to run out of ideas for farm animals, so some of them technically wouldn't be put under the title of "farm animals".
Enjoy :)

Lord of The Rings
(Characters from all three movies)

Gandalf- Bloodhound
Gimli- Bore
Boromir- Rooster
Aragorn- Hawk
Legolas- Owl
Feramir- Sheep dog
Arwen- Blue jay
Eowyn- Sheep dog
Rose- Cow
Sam- Cow
Galadriel- Hummingbird
Elrond- Owl
Mary- Duck
Pippin- Goose
Frodo- Hedgehog
Steward of Gondor- Pig
Wormtongue- Salamander
Golem- Frog
Orcs- Wolves
Uruk Hai- Bears

The Mummy
(From first and second movies)

O'Connel- German Shephard
Evelyn- German Shephard
Alex- German Shephard puppy
Jonathan- Goose
Beni- Ferret or Rat
Imhotep- Snake
Anck Su Namun- Spider
The Magi- Hawks
The three Americans- Sheep Dogs
 Captain Winston Havlock- Cow
Warden Gad Hassan- Pig
Dr. Allen Chamberlain- Owl
Lock-Nah- Bull
Red- Donkey
Jacques- Ram
Spivey- Goat


  1. I think your taking too much credit with this whole, your Idea thing, it was partly Ben and I's too. =^)

    1. Eh. Not really. We thought of the idea together, but I thought of the majority of my own animals, so these two lists are my idea. :)

  2. I've seen all those movies half of those people I don't even remember.
