Tuesday, January 22, 2013

10 Reasons...

10 reasons why I can't clean my room at the moment...

  1. I have a TON of homework that I need to do because I procrastinated today. Shame on me...
  2. I am going on a school field trip on Monday, so that adds even more homework to my usual load.
  3. When I am not doing homework, I'm at dance. And not just my usual classes, I have an extra class this week because I'm assisting for someone who is currently out of state.
  4. I can not clean UP my room because I have to clean it OUT first, and that takes much more thought and time than just cleaning it up.
  5. Why can't I clean my room "at the moment"? Well, because instead of actually doing it, I'm blogging about it on the computer of course!
  6. Uhhhh . . . Because sleep is more important? Maybe?
  7. I have to eat . . . All the time.
  8. Because I'm too smart! (Not true)
  9. I am waiting for the house cleaning fairy to do it for me. She's purple and her name is Cordelia.
  10. I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to cleaning my room. That is that.
I just need to suck it up and do it whether I want to or not. It's really important that I do it soon because I'm supposed to be getting a new mattress over the weekend and I'll be rearranging my room. However, I can not do that if I have clothes lying all over the place. Ugh.
Well, good bye for now. I am going to go do some more homework and wish that I was cleaning my room instead.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

10 Blog Prompts...

Here's a list of blog prompts that I would like to see other people write about. Some of them are easy, some are a bit harder, some will make you have to think more.... I am so excited about some of these that I will probably write about them myself! :)
Happy blogging!

  1. A list of your favorite movies and why they're your favorite.
  2. A list of your favorite books and why they're your favorite.
  3. Your life as a window in a shopping mall. The events that you see, the people you see, the things you hear, etc...
  4. Where you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years....
  5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
  6. The history of something random, famous, funny, common, strange or rare. (i.e. the history of:  the toaster oven, the grand-father clock, various musical instruments.)
  7. A pet that you want and why you want it.
  8. Your talents. The normal ones, the weird ones, the secret ones... Any at all!
  9. Your favorite and least favorite chores.
  10. Your favorite childhood memories.