Sunday, February 24, 2013

Things that frustrate me...

I'm not really one to talk about the things that irritate or frustrate me just because I have the time to. However, right now, I randomly felt like sharing with you some things that frustrate me(and of course, it's in the form of a list!). They're not huge and they're really not a big deal, I just find them to be rather frustrating.

1. When I'm driving and other people don't use their blinkers. Didn't your Drivers Ed teacher ever tell you that, aside from your other lights, your blinker is the only form of communication that cars have?!? Think about it, that makes them highly important! They are there to insure the safety of you and others drivers around you. So please, use your blinker.

2. When you pour yourself a bowl of cereal but then find out that there's no milk left. Great. . . Just great.

3. When your washing your face and it feels all fresh and clean and you turn of the water, dry your face off, hang your towel back up, look back at the sink, and. . . There's water. EVERYWHERE!!!!

4. When your text message inbox is full, but your phone fails to tell you, so you don't receive any texts for almost a week before you notice the problem.

5. When your doing your homework and you decide to make yourself a delicious cup of unsweetened peppermint tea... After you make it, you continue doing your homework but get so focused on it that you completely forget about your perfect cup of tea! Then, by the time you remember it, it's completely cold. :(

6. When the lady at the Forever 21 dressing room assures you that she's going to keep track of your extra clothes while your trying on all of your other stuff, but when you go back out for the rest of your stuff and you ask the lady for your extra clothes, she asks "What clothes?". And it's gone. All of it.

7. When workers at a clothing store are really extremely grumpy (and their obviously not trying to hide it) when you ask them for help about something.

8. When one of your ponytail holders breaks while your trying to put your hair up. First, it scares you half to death and makes you jump, and second, your left without a ponytail holder. Oh, the sadness, crying, and mourning!

9. When you trip and skip a step going down the stairs, sending a horrible chill all the way up your spine and giving you the scare of your life.

10. When your name is Madeline and people assume that your nickname is Madison. Story of my life.

Monday, February 18, 2013

17 Things...

Some one that I know recently turned fifteen, and they posted a blog of multiple lists of fifteen things that they like. Having just recently turned seventeen, I thought it would be fun to do the same thing with the number seventeen. I know that I post a lost of lists, but let's face it, I really like lists. I promise, I'm not trying to take the easy way out when blogging, I just genuinely love making lists of things. I think they're fun, and it keeps everything organized. :)
So, without further ado, here is a list of seventeen of my favorite things (in no particular order).

  1. Food
  2. Sleep
  3. Dance
  4. Books. And not just the act of reading books, but actual books themselves. The binding, the pages, the font, the smell. . . Everything books!
  5. Taking pictures
  6. Putting outfits together (a.k.a. getting dressed in the morning and helping other people with their outfits every chance I get)
  7. Owls. Anything having to do with owls, I love it.
  8. Instrumental music. The kind that makes you unbelievably happy and makes you want to cry all at the same time. It gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach like your nervous and excited and it makes you feel all warm and tingly inside like your falling in love with someone, but your really not because it's only a song. . . and it doesn't even have words, but it moves you just as much, if not even more than music that does have words, and you feel like you could dance to it forever and ever and never get tired of it as long as you live! *sigh* Yeah, that music. :)
  9. Old trunks, especially the ones with hidden things inside of them! Those are the best.
  10. Warm blankets and socks. :)
  11. A warm, toasty fire to sit by
  12. Going to the ballet.
  13. Anything antique or old with a history behind it to discover.
  14. Small cottages and large mansions.
  15. Walk-in closets
  16. Rain, umbrellas, rain boots, coats, and colorful scarves. :)
  17. Playing hide-and-go-seek! I know that I'm seventeen and I'm probably "too old" to like this, but it is truly one of my favorite things to do. :)

Grocery List

My usual grocery list, which mainly consists of produce:

  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Lettuce
  • Apples
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Potatoes
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Oranges
  • Carrots
  • Bananas
  • Zucchini
  • Green Beans
  • Corn
  • Canned Beans (Black, Italian White, Garbanzo, refried...)
  • Canned soup
  • Canned diced tomatoes
  • Granola
  • Oats
  • Pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Polenta
  • Orange Juice
  • Ramen noodles

Monday, February 11, 2013

Some of My Favorite Movies...

  1. Braveheart
  2. Troy
  3. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
  4. Robin Hood (2010)
  5. Gladiator
  6. The Last of The Mohicans
  7. A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
  8. Lord of The Rings
  9. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
  10. The Village
  11. P.S. I Love You
  12. Pride & Prejudice (1995 and 2005)
  13. Sense & Sensibility (1995 and 2008)
  14. West Side Story (1961)
  15. Seven Brides For Seven Brothers
  16. The Mummy
  17. The Mummy Returns
  18. The Princess Bride
  19. Pearl Harbor
  20. The Avengers
  21. The Hunger Games
  22. Sweet Home Alabama
  23. Star Wars
  24. Bride Wars
  25. Up
  26. Sherlock Holmes
  27. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
  28. The Pirates of The Caribbean (All films)
  29. The Harry Potter films
  30. Batman Begins
  31. The Dark Knight
  32. Inception
  33. The Prestige
  34. Thor 
  35. Captain America
  36. Hello Dolly!
  37. X-Men (All films)
To be continued. . .

Books I Have Read...

  1. Harry Potter
  2. 1984
  3. The Great Gatsby
  4. Frankenstein
  5. The Giver
  6. The Chronicles of Narnia
  7. The Spiderwick Chronicles
  8. The Hobbit
  9. The Diary of Anne Frank
  10. Little House on The Prairie
  11. A Series of Unfortunate Events
  12. The Books of Bayern
  13. The Song of The Lioness
  14. The Squires Tales
  15. The Last Sin Eater (I'm currently reading this)
  16. Bud, Not Buddy
  17. The Outsiders
  18. Bridge To Terabithia
  19. Ella Enchanted
  20. Where The Red Fern Grows
  21. A Wrinkle In Time
  22. Peter Pan
  23. Cinder Edna
  24. Oh, The Places You'll Go!
  25. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
  26. Charlie and The Great Glass Elevator
  27. Hoot
  28. Holes
  29. The Borrowers
  30. Shakespeare's Macbeth
  31. The Hunger Games
  32. Little Women
  33. Coraline
To be continued. . .

Monday, February 4, 2013

My talents

  1. Dancing! I have taken classes in Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip-hop, and Tap.
  2. Whistling! I taught myself how to whistle over the course of two days. I drove my mom practically insane because of it, but at least I know how to whistle! :)
  3. Drawing
  4. Doodling (Yes, I believe that doodling can be a talent in and of itself)
  5. Singing
  6. Having different accents
  7. A wee little bit of acting.
  8. Knitting
  9. Crocheting (I prefer knitting)
  10. Sewing
  11. Some gymnastics... I used to do a ton, but sadly, I have lost the majority of my skills. :(
  12. Playing the piano... Like gymnastics, I played the piano a lot when I was younger but haven't in quite a while, so it doesn't come quite as naturally anymore.
This is a pretty generic list of talents, but I plan to post another list in the future and hopefully it will be a bit more interesting than this one. :)