Monday, February 18, 2013

17 Things...

Some one that I know recently turned fifteen, and they posted a blog of multiple lists of fifteen things that they like. Having just recently turned seventeen, I thought it would be fun to do the same thing with the number seventeen. I know that I post a lost of lists, but let's face it, I really like lists. I promise, I'm not trying to take the easy way out when blogging, I just genuinely love making lists of things. I think they're fun, and it keeps everything organized. :)
So, without further ado, here is a list of seventeen of my favorite things (in no particular order).

  1. Food
  2. Sleep
  3. Dance
  4. Books. And not just the act of reading books, but actual books themselves. The binding, the pages, the font, the smell. . . Everything books!
  5. Taking pictures
  6. Putting outfits together (a.k.a. getting dressed in the morning and helping other people with their outfits every chance I get)
  7. Owls. Anything having to do with owls, I love it.
  8. Instrumental music. The kind that makes you unbelievably happy and makes you want to cry all at the same time. It gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach like your nervous and excited and it makes you feel all warm and tingly inside like your falling in love with someone, but your really not because it's only a song. . . and it doesn't even have words, but it moves you just as much, if not even more than music that does have words, and you feel like you could dance to it forever and ever and never get tired of it as long as you live! *sigh* Yeah, that music. :)
  9. Old trunks, especially the ones with hidden things inside of them! Those are the best.
  10. Warm blankets and socks. :)
  11. A warm, toasty fire to sit by
  12. Going to the ballet.
  13. Anything antique or old with a history behind it to discover.
  14. Small cottages and large mansions.
  15. Walk-in closets
  16. Rain, umbrellas, rain boots, coats, and colorful scarves. :)
  17. Playing hide-and-go-seek! I know that I'm seventeen and I'm probably "too old" to like this, but it is truly one of my favorite things to do. :)


  1. Number 8 is pretty much the greatest and truest thing I've ever read.

    1. I think reading John 3:16 would change your mind on that.
