Friday, March 1, 2013

Magnetic Poetry. . .

"Apes, French Fries, and Potpourri"
             by Madeline Freres

I gaze into my velcro wrist watch,
And as I look beyond the face
With the colorful Roman Numerals
Looking back at me,
I see my future and the present time.

I see in my future some apes,
French fries and potpourri.
Yet, I'm stuck in a stuffy red room
Full of secret trunks, the game of
Kerplunk, and pictures of helicopters
And ornithopters.

In the stuffy red room
My cranium is at it's limit.
I'm all dressed in blue, thinking of you
And my future that lies in my
Velcro wrist watch with the colorful
Roman numerals staring back at me.

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