Monday, March 3, 2014

Update: My Life.

Here is little update on what is going on with my life... in the form of a list.

  1. I recently turned 18. Yay! I can be tried as an adult if I choose to commit a felony! And I get to fill out all of my own paperwork. Thanks, Mom. I love you. :)
  2. I have less than three months of high school left. Exciting and scary all at once.
  3. I am heading up arts and crafts for my churches VBS this summer. This year is spy themed. Oh yeah. :)
  4. I already have this years Halloween costume planned out and summer hasn't even started. I tend to plan ahead... like, WAY ahead.
  5. I started pointe this dance season. It's the most exciting, exhausting, beautiful, painful, amazing, and terrifying thing that I have ever done.
  6. We recently set up a 60" TV in my living room and updated our whole sound system. It's pretty stinkin' amazing.
  7. My parents just had their 25th wedding anniversary. YAY! (The updated entertainment center was a result of that joyous occasion.)
  8. After patiently waiting all this time, I'm finally going to be an aunt! I have a nephew due to arrive sometime this August. :) Praise the Lord, for He is good!
  9. I am going to college at California State University, Stanislaus, beginning in fall of 2014. I plan to major in business, but I'm still labeled as undecided.
  10. My new pointe shoes will be arriving on my doorstep today! This is now my 2nd/3rd pair. (I bought two.)
  11. My sister moved to Oregon and I miss her dearly. Thank goodness for texting, Snapchat, and Skype!
  12. I am competing in my first dance competition this March. I'm nervous and super excited!
  13. My mom just got a new car. Her name is Madame Blueberry and she is beautiful... and she has a sunroof. THRILLED.
  14. I'm taking Pre-Calculus this year even though it was optional. I didn't even have to take it, but I am. I'm kind of regretting making that decision, but I plan to make the best of it. It just better not mess up my GPA. I had a pretty close call first semester.
  15. My oldest brother and his lovely wife gave me a laptop for my 18th birthday/happy graduation gift. My sister-in-law made it a little treasure hunt, and when I found it at the end, I cried. 
  16. I have recently started watching Sherlock and am completely hooked on that show! It's just too good.
  17. Heroes Reborn is coming in 2015. I just might have a heart attack.
  18. I am aching to go on a roadtrip down to LA, Irvine, and Hollywood area. It's seriously killing me. Especially because my other brother and his lovely wife live in Irvine and I want to see them. They're pretty amazing. LET'S GO!

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