Monday, March 3, 2014

Mind Dump

*This was not my idea. Credit goes to , one of the most entertaining bloggers I know.

  • I watched the Oscars last night
  • So. Many. Emotions.
  • Why do movies make me so emotional?
  • I mean, I seriously almost cried when they showed the "movie heroes" montage.
  • #potterheadforlife #theboywholived
  • #imagingerinmydreams
  • "...but they will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!!"
  • "In Memoriam" montage? Tissues, please.
  • I want to watch every movie I own right now.
  • Watch ALL the movies!
  • I need some chocolate.
  • I should eat breakfast first.
  •  Saying that I had walking pneumonia makes me feel like a zombie.
  • Was I dying?
  • Did people think I was already dead?
  • I'm being dramatic. Just ignore that.
  • I want to go shopping.
  • I want spring to arrive.
  • But if it rains, than let it rain forever.
  • Sherlock is the best.
  • "Honey, you should see me in a crown."
  • I thought it would take me forever to watch the whole show.
  • It's been about 3 weeks and I'm almost done.
  • Apparently I had the time.
  • Oh goodness, what time is it?
  • Have to write, have to write...
  • "Numbers, letters, learn to spell."
  • I'm in denial.
  • Breakfast? Good idea.
  • Nutella? Amazing idea.
  • Grumble, grumble, groan.
  • "Cross my heart and hope to die, I'll see you with your laughter lines."

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