Sunday, October 21, 2012


Tea pots lead really tough lives. I don't mean tough as in they have a difficult job or anything. I mean tough as in they have extremely boring jobs and are ridiculously misunderstood and mistreated. I feel that, being a tea pot myself, I need to stand up for all of my fellow tea pots in the world and shed a little light on our poor, poor situation.

   First of, I would like to talk about our appearances. Based on that "I'm A Little Tea Pot" song, everybody just assumes that all of us tea pots are little, short, and stout. Sure, we do all have a handle and a spout, but are we ALL little, short, and stout? Absolutely not!!! Though I myself am a short and stout German tea pot, the tea pot in the china cabinet next door to me is, in fact, a very tall and skinny French tea pot. You see? That ridiculous tea po0t song that all humans sing sticks all of us tea pots into one, single stereo type; little, short, and stout.  And, besides that, how can humans go on singing about being a little tea pot when they know absolutely nothing about the experience. I mean, seriously, have you or anybody you know actually asked a tea pot what it's like to... Well... Actually BE a tea pot?! No! Nobody has, have they?

   The next thing I would like to talk about is our job. This is the part of our lives where the tea pot song is actually quite accurate. Now I will just explain it to you in a bit more detail. We sit on the stove in your house and wait to be used. During the summer, we just sit there and get all dusty. By the time winter comes around, we're boiling over with excitement (get it? eh, get it? Boiling over??? Ok, never mind, enough joking...)! When winter comes, we actually get to be used! Then, we remember just how boring our job is. You fill us up with water, put us on the burner turned on high, and you wait. After quite a while of sitting on the stove and watching you wait, we finally get all steamed up, we shout, and you tip us over and pour us out. TA-DA!!!! THAT, my human friends, is the life of a tea pot.

   Now, for a few little tid-bits that I have left to share. Our scenery. All we have to look at is what we can see from the stove. Maybe YOU should go sit in front of the stove for hours and hours on end and see how you like. Or, when you do, you can even face the wall! The majority of the time, people don't care whether we're facing the wall or not (and yes, we have invisible eyes.)! One more thing.We shout. ALL WE DO IS SHOUT! WE DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER SPEAKING LEVEL BUT SHOUTING! IT REALLY GETS OLD AFTER A WHILE!!!

   So, as you can see, us tea pots are very misunderstood and mistreated kitchen appliances. We're only expected to do one thing in and we are all stuck into the same stereo type that  says we're all little, short, and stout. So, next time you go to use your tea top, have some respect. Don't sing the tea pot song and, when your done with us, please... Just take a little extra time and go put us up on the mantle (if not, at least have the respect to put our eyes facing the right way on the stove.).


  1. We should all start crocheting tea cozies for the poor dears.

  2. I completely agree. I do believe that the tea pots would appreciate it very much.

    I think the tea cozie is very cute! ;)
